You know your a little addicted to gerbils when -- You see the initials CPN on a licence plate and you immediately think colorpoint nutmeg. You see a discarded toilet paper tube and you put it in your pocket for your gerbils. When you save the sesame breadsticks from your italian dinner at the restaurant for your gerbils. You shop for gerbil grains and veggies before you buy for yourself. You feed your gerbils before YOU eat. You go on vacation for the day, and you ALREADY miss your gerbils. You ask friends to save toilet paper rolls for your gerbils! You ground them (your gerbils) from sunflower seeds if they have been bad! When your best friend tells you of a cute guy, you automatically see your male gerbils. When your idea of a fun time shopping is spent looking in pet stores at the new exciting wheels and chew blocks they might have for your little guys. You drive 4 hours one way to pick up other people's gerbils for a show then . . . You drive 1.5 hours one way to pick up your driving partner for the show then . . . You drive 26 hours one way to get to the show then .. . . You drive 1.5 hours one way (after the 26 hours back) to drop off your driving partner and the returning gerbils. You dream about gerbil genetics. Eat and sleep thinking about gerbils.Or going to the MW show and coming home with 52 new babies. You find yourself giving "spit baths" like a mother to a gerbil just before a show! You start teaching correct behavior to your children using gerbils as your example. You know your addicted when you get a job despite physical disability just to SHOW your Gerbils AND get them fresh Pumpkin Seeds. You drive 2 1/2 hours each way, sick as a Dog to get your Gerbs as well as other peoplesī on the Kritter Taxi to go to the Show !! lol When you sit at the table for hours pulling seeds out of a cucumber, or when your cooking squash, you save all the seeds just for your gerbils LOL!... You go to a store, and your husband is in the car, waiting the groceries he asked her to get, you go in, get a worker, ask him if there's a gerbil section, and he says, "No.", then you go back outside to the car your husband is in, he sees you has no groceries, and asks "Where's groceries?". You say, "Oh, they had BAD stuff in there... I CAN'T believe that that's even a STORE!", he Immediately asks, "No gerbil section, huh?". --------------------------- c. 10/21/2005, Diane Nott and the American Gerbil Society (AGS) Thank you for the help in making this! You we will all do these things for our gerbies.